
Celebrating Shabbat at home with family and friends creates a warm and wonderful end to your week. Saying or singing blessings over family, candles, wine and challah helps make it sacred.

Shabbat Services Schedule

Please join us for prayer, music, and fellowship at our various Shabbat services led by Rabbi Kupetz and Cantor Buch. A variety of services are available to meet the diverse needs of our congregants.

Erev Shabbat T’filah – Every Friday evening @  7:30 PM or at special times as below:
  • 1st Friday each month service features the TBI Shul Band
  • 2nd Friday each month- additional Family Service for younger children @ 6:30 p.m
  • 3rd Friday of the month in our multi-generational Shabbat Together service from 7-8pm, usually preceded by a pizza/BYO dinner at 6 p.m.
  • 4th Friday each month-* service features a Torah Service and reading from that week’s portion
Saturday Morning (Shabbat Shacharit)
  • Weekly Torah Study on Zoom @9:30 a.m. (contact the TBI Office to join)
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah services in Main Sanctuary as per calendar @ 10 a.m.
Saturday Evening (Havdalah)
  • Community Havdalah with special programming are held generally quarterly and at additional times either at the synagogue or at other local venues. Please check calendar for dates and times.

Oneg Shabbat Team

At TBI one of the oldest and friendliest of traditions is to end each Friday Night Shabbat Service with a special treat: the Oneg, where we enjoy a literal taste of the sweetness of Shabbat. Oneg Shabbat literally means “the joy of Shabbat” and has also come mean the time of food and fellowship following Shabbat evening services. Oneg providers:

  • Perform the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests);
  • Bring the joy of Shabbat to our congregation and;
  • Have the opportunity to celebrate Shabbat at TBI.

When you provide Oneg treats, you bring the joy of Shabbat to our congregation, and you have the opportunity to celebrate Shabbat yourself at TBI.

At TBI most Onegs have sponsors such as the B’nei Mitzvah family of that Shabbat. However, about 25 Oneg Shabbats per year do not have sponsors. In order to provide for these unsponsored Onegs TBI members are invited  to be a part of a “TBI Oneg Shabbat Team” The Team is emailed when their help is needed, Each team member provides an item or items for the  Oneg; each Oneg requires 8-10 trays of desserts and/or vegies and/or fruit. TBI members are invited to join the “TBI Oneg Shabbat Team” by contacting  the TBI Office.