Tributes & Foundation


Tributes are donations to Temple Beth Israel in honor or memory of their loved ones and friends. When a tribute is made, a card is sent to the person being honored of the family of the person being remembered and the tribute is published in the TBI newsletter “The Kehillah”. Tribute contributions may be made to the following funds:

Programmatic Funds
  • Beit Sefer (Religious School) Capital Fund
  • Campership Fund
  • Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
  • General Fund
  • Hunger Fund
  • Kimberly Dawn Ellis Campership Fund
  • Louis Family Library Fund
  • Music Fund
  • Preschool Special Fund
  • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
  • Shoshi Galin Preschool Scholarship Fund
  • Youth in Israel Fund

Endowment Funds
  • Chavin Campership
  • Facilities
  • Katz Special Education
  • Rabbi Earl Kaplan Memorial
  • Unrestricted

We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their loved ones and friends through their generous tribute donations. Each donation requires a separate tribute form.

Make and pay for tributes as well as pay your TBI pledges by clicking here.


Planning for the future: L’dor Vador-From Generation to Generation

The Temple Beth Israel Foundation is a permanent endowment fund for the purpose of financing the perpetual needs of the Temple. It is empowered to receive gifts, bequests, and other benefits from individuals and entities. Only the income produced by the endowment fund can be spent by the Temple.

Through the establishment of the Foundation, Temple Beth Israel encourages its members to consider the Temple in their gift giving and estate planning programs. Any size gift to the Foundation will enable the Temple to provide ongoing religious, educational, and social services to ensure the continuation of Jewish tradition in our community.

Shomrim Society

The Foundation has established the Temple Beth Israel Shomrim Society. Shomrim is Hebrew for “Guardian”, and the members of the Shomrim Society are truly guardians of our future. Each Shomrim Society member has made a current gift to the Foundation of $5,000 or more or included a bequest to the Foundation through his/her estate plan at that level, thus ensuring a strong Jewish Community for the future generations.

If you would like to consider a current gift to the Temple Beth Israel Foundation as a part of your personal philanthropic objectives, or if you want to include the Foundation in your estate planning, please contact the TBI office at 909-626-1277 or send us an email to The TBI office will put you in contact with a Foundation Trustee.

The Funds in the Foundation

The Foundation is comprised of five distinct funds and is managed by a Board of Trustees separate from the Temple Board, assisted by a professional financial advisor. Income produced by these funds is used as follows:

  • Rabbi Earl Kaplan Endowment for Education-used for any educational purpose
  • Facility Endowment-used for facility needs
  • Chavin Campership Endowment-used for sponsoring Jewish camping
  • Rose Katz Special Education Endowment-for students with special needs
  • Unrestricted Endowment-used for any Temple purpose

In addition to these endowment funds, the Foundation manages Program Temple Funds at the request of the Temple Board.

Ways to Make a Gift to the Foundation
  • Make a Bequest through a will or trust
  • Each year, transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA as an IRA Charitable Rollover**
  • Make the Foundation a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • Make the Foundation a beneficiary of a Qualified Retirement Plan
  • Make a cash gift or donate securities

Many of these gifts have tax benefits to the donor. Consult your professional advisors before making a gift that could have tax or legal consequences.


If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you may transfer up to $100,000 per year directly from your IRA to the TBI Foundation. Making this donation is an efficient way to make a gift to TBI and meet your concerns about the minimum annual required distribution from your IRA and paying income taxes on this distribution. Direct your IRA custodian to transfer any amount up to $100,000 to TBI this year and in future years.