Women of Temple Beth Israel

Our Next Events:

New events coming soon

Our Story

On January 12, 2020, fifteen women met in Temple Beth Israel’s library.  Our purpose in coming together was to discuss plans for a future women’s group at our synagogue.  After an engaging discussion, we agreed to meet monthly to bring this idea to reality.  After meeting once again in person, the Covid pandemic forced us online to continue our planning.

Over the next 18 months, this amazing group of women had voted on a name, mission statement, beautiful logo, and bylaws.  Members had also prepared and delivered nine programs designed for spiritual and social enrichment. Rosh Chodesh was celebrated in October and was followed by Gifts of Gratitude in November. Chanukah Traditions and Fun closed out 2020 with the sharing of a traditional Indian latke recipe, family traditions, a beautiful dreidel collection, and engagement in fun online games.

Women of Temple Beth Israel started 2021 with our speaker, Arava Talve, beloved melamedet to many women at Temple Beth Israel.  In February’s Love Stories, we learned about love stories from biblical times as well as our own lives.  On March 12th,  Women of Temple Beth Israel had the honor of leading our congregation in shabbat service.  April 25th included some delicious Pesach recipes, a discussion about Counting of the Omer, and some fun games. Shavuot was highlighted on May 16th when we talked about the Book of Ruth and shared personal stories of conversion.  We also paid a virtual visit to Claremont’s own Cheese Cave to learn about wine and cheese pairings.

We closed out the fiscal year in June with a listening campaign when members of our ever-growing group of women could share their ideas for future program topics.  During the summer, we celebrated Havdalah and Rosh Chodesh on the lawn at Temple Beth Israel!  We toasted this first in-person event with champagne, laughter, poetry, singing and drums.

Women of Temple Beth Israel also created a new tradition at Temple Beth Israel.  Every month, Rosh Chodesh is celebrated with beautiful artwork accompanied with notable words or prayers, each carefully selected by our members.  These lovely messages are sent to all Women of Temple Beth Israel a day or two prior to Rosh Chodesh.

None of this would have been possible without each and every woman who came and supported Women of Temple Beth Israel.  You are Women of Temple Beth Israel.  This is your group – a fledgling group where we are all new members.  In the past 18 months, when we put out a request to help members who needed a bit of support due to illness, you were there.  When we asked your inclusion in comforting Arava Talve and honoring her son’s passing with a donation to Arava’s congregation, you were there.

Our sincerest appreciation goes to Stacy Nagel and Flo Cohen, representatives from Women of Reform Judaism/Pacific District.  The support and direction given by Stacy and Flo have been essential in bringing our vision to life.

I would like to close with our Mission Statement because it truly represents the goals of Women of Temple Beth Israel:

Mission Statement
The Women of Temple Beth Israel is a warm, inclusive, diverse, and caring community of women.
We engage in activities that raise our spirits, cultivate lasting friendships, provide opportunities for spiritual growth, and develop our knowledge of issues affecting all women.
We encourage each other when in need and celebrate our simchas together.

We are excited we have come this far and have, as of today, welcomed 61 women into our fold.  We are a dynamic, fun group of women from all walks of life, in all stages of life. We warmly invite you to join the Women of Temple Beth Israel.

If you would like further information about joining us, please contact wtbi@tbipomona.org.

Kandy Fisher, President
Women of Temple Beth Israel


Judaica Shop

The Judaica Shop at Temple Beth Israel is open for business! Located in the Temple lobby, you can browse and shop for menorahs, colorful Chanukah plates, tallitot, Passover items, jewelry, Challah trays, and other beautiful items from Israel and throughout the Jewish world. We also have a supply of the Women’s Torah Commentary, a thoughtful gift for any woman, with insightful and relevant perspectives for all.

Regular “Browse and Shop” hours are Wednesdays from 2PM – 4PM. The Shop is also generally open prior to Friday evening Shabbat services. Please call or email the Temple office (909-626-1277) for more information on how to make an appointment to visit during open hours, or to confirm pre-Shabbat and other open time options.