Purim is celebrated by the reading of the Scroll of Esther, known in Hebrew as the “Megillat Esther” which relates the basic story of Purim. Under the rule of King Ahashuerus, Haman, the King’s prime minister, plots to exterminate all the Jews of Persia. His plan is foiled by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, who ultimately save the Jews of the land from destruction. The reading of the Megillah is typically a rowdy affiar, punctuated by booing and noise-making when Haman’s name is read aloud.
Celebrating Purim at TBI
A Community Purim Schpiel
Features the students and staff of our Beit Sefer. Wear your costumes and bring your sense of humor.
Annual Purim Carnival
Come for food, fun, games, and prizes at this festive celebration of Purim.
Annual Blood Drive