Team Tzedek

Click below to view the moving presentation by Deena Benjamin introducing this year’s Drive and some of the individuals it benefits.

Unable to donate bags? Support this year Food Drive with a financial contribution.  Click here.

The mission of Team Tzedek is to make Judaism’s commitment to the principles of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) an integral part of everyday life within the temple. The committee meets monthly to organize projects and events that educate the congregation and provide meaningful experiences through which we can repair our world.

Annually, the committee organizes or participates in:

TBI is a synagogue partner of Jewish World Watch which works to mobilize synagogues, their schools, their members, and the community to combat genocide and other egregious violations of human rights around the world through education, advocacy, and refugee relief.

TBI is also a member congregation of ICON (Inland Communities Organizing Network), a collection of religious institutions, unions, schools, and non-profits committed to bringing about social change in our communities.

The TBI Board of Trustees adopted a motion from the Social Action Committee in 2017 to have TBI become part of the Welcome Campaign sponsored by HIAS, a Jewish-based refugee organization. By signing on to the HIAS Welcome Campaign, TBI commits to being a “welcoming congregation” and engaging in refugee issues in at least one meaningful way each year, such as education, advocacy, direct service, or tzedakah.  Additionally, HIAS will provide TBI with ongoing support, resources, and access to a network of communities that support welcoming refugees and who are responding to the global refugee crisis. For more details please view the TBI HIAS Announcement.