Temple Beth Israel’s new Capital Campaign, Ohr Chadash (New Light), has been in a planning stage, in one form or another, for the last number of years. This period, interrupted by the pandemic, included a formal needs assessment, developing a budget framework, committee formations, and engaging experienced professionals to help formulate and guide the core planning group’s efforts. As part of that process, the decision was to formally introduce our campaign in a series of phases.

Phase One commenced in January 2024 and included gaining financial commitments from Board members, Past Presidents, and all campaign committee members. The enthusiasm and generosity shown during this phase has demonstrated both an alignment with the goals of the proposed physical renovations, but also emphasized the need we have to update our facility, which last received major work in the late 80’s, as we approach our 100th anniversary.

Phase One has now ended, and with the solid foundation for success it has created, we are now in Phase Two – the introduction of the campaign to the entire TBI community.

As we move forward, the Tekiah! will feature numerous FAQ’s such as the ones you see below, which will include information about the goals and progress of the campaign.

Campaign FAQ’S

Look for more FAQ’s next time. Have a question? Email us at ohrchadash@tbipomona.org.