Join us in shining a new light for Temple Beth Israel!

A Note from Board President, Gary Gilbert

What are Jews?  Often, we are referred to as the people of the book.  Not a bad moniker.  We did, after all, write the Bible (and a few other things since).  But there is another part of our identity that is equally old and equally representative of who we are as a people.  We are builders.  After all, we helped build the pyramids (granted not willingly, but we did a pretty good job).  We built the First Temple in the 10th century BCE, and when that building was destroyed, we built a second one that lasted another 600 years.  In virtually every community we lived, from Toledo to Tashkent, from Buenos Aires, to Boston, to Bialystok, we built synagogues and schoolhouses and ritual baths and hospitals.  We built the first synagogue in North America around 1700 and have not stopped.  Why do we build?  Certainly, part of the answer is very pragmatic.  We need spaces in which to worship and study and be healed.  But there is more to it.  Buildings announce our presence.  They demonstrate to us and the world that there is a Jewish community here.  They also create our legacy.  They provide an opportunity for us to leave something of ourselves for the future.

Please join me and my family in supporting the Ohr Chadash campaign.  This is your chance to do that most Jewish of things: to enter that long line of builders.  Previous generations came together to establish our congregation, to build the first synagogue on Orange Grove Avenue, and then to build our current structure.  As a result of their efforts, Temple Beth Israel has served as the center of Jewish life in the Pomona Valley for almost a century.  Now it is our turn.  We build for ourselves.  We build for the generations to come.  We build to combat hatred.  We build to create a new light, an Ohr Chadash, that will guide us, inspire us, and allow us to be a beacon of strength for us, for all Jews in our community, and throughout the entire region.  

Ohr Chadash
New Light Campaign

Campaign CoChairs
Christine Akin, Laura Zuckerman

Finance, Project Management
Amy Metlitzky
Russel Metlitzky

Fundraising CoChairs
Nancy Ambrose, Laura Zuckerman 

Building Planning and Construction Chair
Christine Akin

Laura Zuckerman
Cantor Paul Buch
Jonathan Brown

Jonathan Kupetz  

TBI Board President
Gary Gilbert 

Temple Administrator
Barry Weisband

How Can I Bring New Light to TBI?

If you’d like to be a part of our Ohr Chadash Campaign, please let us know and we will reach out to you. 

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

Ohr Chadash
New Light Campaign

Giving Levels

$1,000,000+ Circle of Light – Magal Ohr

$500,000+ Luminaries – M’orot

$250,000+ Stars – Kochavim

$150,000+ Comets – Sh’vitim

$100,000+ Lightning Bolts – B’rakim

$50,000+ Bonfires – M’durot

$25,000+ Torches – Lapidim

$10,000+ Rays of Light – Karnei Ohr

$5,000+ Spirits – N’shamot

Under $5,000 Noble Ones – Atzilim


Gifts to TBI’s Ohr Chadash Campaign of $10,000 and above will be recognized as part of a physical display on the synagogue campus. All gifts to the Ohr Chadash Campaign will be recognized on the campaign website and other digital/printed media.